Hmm. Whats the big adgenda we want. As we set our radio dial for 47 its the same pop star with a new band of misfits. Set we want a wall we sold the peiece too. We want to curb the free for all. The thing that makes us a wild card allie. How do we deport when it looks like deporte on the news. Trumps going to get rid of bottle deposites so they will run to more crime or be sent back.

Its like theres a line an well we took alot of people since arab spring and legally. No one wants line skipperz even the people looking at the people who fleed going back. Many people pay lawyers not cyotes. You wanna take the ride make a bet we should give them the tools to be leaders in there own countries. And yeah ones that break the law figure that out like u figured out that the dmv is now travel immigration.

This is wild west we dont want programs right who wants laws when everyone can run in and bury themselves in.

Seems like a big agenda is kicking people out for a mild bernie socislism but only for americans. But so mild so mild wrap up issues. Economicz based on growth wont account for the possible nuance he could possibly achieve. Lean mean. Stress usa to reinvent and will give u something socialistict not quiet health care but definiantly food. Every state needs food help. Free food for america wouldnt want to stress a system.

Statez got this. Cancle debts are cool but for who. Whose it cool for and not cool for. Trumps seems scared of immigrants but dont run usa governent. Low percentages. We come from abumdance not less. We gotta figure that out but holding accountability like your pardon but if you ever come back you beta call. So d.c.

You want trickle. But every corp running smog in every city. Ay tax break. Big trucks runing moring noon night but roads suck for tax payer trying to head to work. We only have abundance due to tax breaks which makez it level which to me is unsettling.

Just like market balance we must find that through 47theory. Doesnt trump know america would tye its arms up or legs up for a fair fight then blow everyone out so we gotta be respectful. He wants to take off all those chains and well it will lead to unbalance. He should try blindfolded. Ha

Everythings just starting

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Wow. We can remember now. Drill baby drill is 47s hail mary. Not playing favorites. Just raddle wrestling. The only substanance and not a one off kinda stable. Oil. Take a shot at the debt but from an akward spot. I wish we could get 47 *tycoon* american economic addition. Move his simulations. The things hes doing he was voted to do. But really america doesnt audit well. Just like ameeican policy give iran nuke science then complain about them having it.

47 voted to keep the order then shakez it up. President 47 pushing americans around pushing friends and foes. No one will be able to get it. Jist like no one got full healh care. What will stick again what stuck from last time. We ameeicans are torn we want it all but not wanna pay more because our work hasnt hit money for productivity broughg in to companies as those companies get free ride and workers might be just riding a wave not a change. And if he thinks everyones rich and can go on a tariff marathon not all of us can buy back in after his ideas cash people out. Like last administration. Thats what echos from last administration more and more debt. Still paying off 45 debts. Plus im sure this sitez toasts china doll hot

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Flip flop number 45 went business rep instead of once thought to be celeb democrat./ harris flip flopto try and hit middle. Radicals is storming the capital people dying for nothing. Radicals is killibg womens rights. Radical is changibg our air from smog to clean wow radical is giving everyone money who doesnt live here and asj them to stay terrorists and all.

Both blo one should be moe humble other should know theys werent picked but * Don'd in

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Hope usa doesnt flil flop on ukraine.

Russians should pay ukraine to be in its parliment not war for nothing russia should be treated like iraqs suni& sheitis. Carry ur guys in ukraine for a price. Dont like ukraine hitting soft targets and redrawing the map they should be taking back like helpinh georgia or making moves on crimea hard. This a time for balance. 72 years to 7 for an american in ukraine fight ha. Great friends with russia we are. Basketball politics instead of post war stuff.

Nukes on table from russia sounds like we should disarm them before iran gets them sold to them. Russia could fix weather from havana watch usa evacute then push a full ground war on us if they wanted to. Snow in texas wasnt scientist working in our country. What happens when russia blurs lines using weather as the way to clear a path for war. Russia needs a new leader not a nostolgic leader but one of dignity. Could use weather as distraction so we dont send more money to ukraine. How much more can russia us climate to make us use our resources her instead of o. The ukraine war stage. Russia after this should be paying ukraine in euros let dunbas be sunis. And get back to democracy.

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Harris ? Will she flip flop on pimps and hoes or take that to the grave like trumps boy from whore island maybe so or maybe not. Big pics with diddler diddy and others why isnt them friends of hers beibg looked at for their donation money like musk. When she talk and takes pic with pimps we shoukd be questionin it like 45. High profile shit shouldnt be taken with descression. I find that a flip flop on the law. Nyc killing it with those unlawful freaks outs. Bet she wears abcrombie

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Harris know aboit AVoRN? Why didnt she blo up anotger like that since shes been in DC

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Flip flop like being a convicted rapest. And saying he isnt and just took a photo with her. Flip flop religious like dont covet thy neighbors wife. Flopped on his friends got them sent to jail over his stuff losing watches and places to live. While hes not jailed . Was it a summer of love with antifa like that riot at capital. Sent those guys to jail. He laughs hes way to the bank. Handing out 100$ while musk hands millions rigged for flop flippers

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Hey will we need security at the polls ? If capital riot was a lovefest whats a bloodbath"

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Was he refering to his friend putin. Send the dogs on usa if he doesnt win moment. Bloodbath world war-esk moment?

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Wow intel sending contractor on me, psywar. Uncool. Hiring people off a "list" showing them my picture. Sending them after my family. Goverment man get a grip. Aint my first attack but we can tell this on a budget too now. Sent a killer could see that black energy from the moon.last ones were way slick more then one . Congraulations psywarfare you played yourself

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67 psywar on my photo

$200,000 budget i bet on me

And others. Not to mention numourswho said no. Not cool send americans to gang up on americans.

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The Walz military scandal matters a lot. Kamala Harris is interviewing to be the commander-in-chief. Our president, the commander-in-chief, may have to send military personnel in to harms way. I'm sure the president would be consulting not only with the cabinet but especially the vice president. How can you trust a commander-in-chief with such poor laps of judgment in picking him and also how can he give advice if the commander-in-chief needs to send military personnel in harm's way when he himself bailed.

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