After pledging almost a month ago to do an interview - she is now they (nice way to work in their pronouns right?). She brought Governor Tim Walz along for an interview with friends CNN.
Thanks to our sponsor Bishop Gold Group…
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Join me for a round of golf for a good cause…
Join me in October for a round of golf benefitting the Yellow Ribbon Fund, details below.
Next week on The Sean Spicer Show…
Coming up next week, we’ve got crowd favorite, Chicks on the Right, Political Director of Trump campaign James Blair, Alex Castellanos, 2 more great congressional candidates, and as always a great panel.
3rd Parties…
Who is going to win the election and get 270 electoral votes. Which states are the best or Trump — and for Harris. These are the questions everyone asks me. There is wide spread agreement that there are 7 battleground states that will decide the outcome. If you live in one you will see non-stop ads thru November 5th. But what is really going to be the key? It will be how well the 3rd party candidates do in these states. Let me explain.