
President Trump secured another massive $100 Billion investment, semiconductor manufacturer TSMC will be coming to Arizona, creating thousands of jobs. Eventually the United States will have 40% of the market, reducing our need to rely on Taiwan, which currently has a stranglehold on the semiconductor market. President Trump will address a joint session of Congress tonight! The president is expected to discuss tariffs, Ukraine, tax cuts, and getting the rest of his agenda through as the year progresses. The Democrats have already scripted their response as Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren and Corey Booker post identical, word-for-word videos right before President Trump's speech. Political strategist and former Democratic fundraiser Lindy Li joins me on today's show. Lindy has made headlines the past few months, exposing the cult-like nature of the Democratic party and how it shunned and abandoned her for speaking out on Biden's cognitive decline. Lindy has come out as a Conservative, some circles welcoming her with open-arms, others questioning her motives. Today, we get to the bottom of who Lindy is, what message she has and where she stands today. My friend and colleague on the Morning Meeting, Dan Turrentine will then join me to give a Democratic perspective. Should Lindy have stuck it out with the party, even as they seem lost in the wilderness or does she have valid reasons to walk away?

Watch President Trump's speech tonight with me!

We start livestreaming at 8:40PM ET:


Lindy Li

Political Strategist

Dan Turrentine

Political Strategist

Co Host | The Morning Meeting

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