
The fallout from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's visit to the White House continues. The deal was set and ready to go for Zelenskyy and he instead came into the oval office to relitigate the deal in front of the world. Secretary of State Marco Rubio summed it up perfectly on Face The Nation, Donald Trump is trying to end this war and if a Democrat had taken the actions President Trump has taken the media would be showering them with praises and claiming they were on their way to the nobel peace prize. Longtime friend of the show and newly appointed Secretary of Veterans Affairs Doug Collins joins me today. The Biden administration over bloated the VA by $130 Billion dollars and 80,000 employees. Secretary Collins has already redirected $2 Billion back to actual veterans so they can get the healthcare and benefits they need. The Biden administration's approach of throwing money and people at a problem has not produced any results over the past 4 years, so doing things because "that's how we've always done it" has been banned at the VA. Secretary Collins is committed to overhauling the VA to get results and deliver for our veterans. 17 veterans per day lose their life to suicide which is 17 too many. Who do you know that might need a phone call or a cup of coffee or might be suffering in silence?

If you are a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one, the VA crisis line is available 2/7 to receive confidential support.

To reach the Veterans Crisis line dial 988 and Press 1.

You can also chat with them online at: http://VeteransCrisisLine.net/Chat or text 838255


Secretary Doug Collins

Secretary of Veterans Affairs | Trump 47 administration

If you want to help a caregiver providing critical support and care for our Veterans, please visit the Yellow Ribbon Fund: https://yellowribbonfund.org/

Watch President Trump address the joint sessions of Congress right here with us:

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